Despite being hounded by critics, woman embraces identity as a dog

A young woman wants to be man’s best friend. Instead of jumping on the spectrum of gender identity, Meow Dalyn decided to abandon her status as a human and instead identify as a dog. Despite being hounded by critics suggesting she’s “psychotic,” the woman says she’s firm in her decision of “being the dog,” and in “the moment of just … Read more

Mother wants to show 13-month-old daughter with rare birthmark how she is beautiful

The fact that no two people are precisely alike is one of the most breathtakingly wonderful aspects of being human. As time goes on, we’re getting much better as a species at understanding and embracing our diversity. Asher and Winry are two gorgeous children being raised by their mother Nicole Lucas Hallson. She wants to … Read more

$2B Powerball winner Edwin Castro buys $22.5M Hollywood Hills mansion

Powerball jackpot winner Edwin Castro can cross that off his list of purchases following his record-setting $2.04 billion win. Castro splurged on the Hollywood Hills mansion less than 30 days after his win was first announced on Valentine’s Day, according to The Dirt. The 13,578-square-foot home boasts 5-bedrooms, 6-bathrooms, and overlooks the Sunset Strip. The “modern retreat” listed by luxury realtors The … Read more

Mom shares touching story of raising a daughter with Treacher Collins Syndrome

When little Bella was born in October 25, 2018 , Eliza Bahneman and her husband’s lives changed forever. Bella surprised her parents by arriving a few weeks early – but she also surprised them showing up as one of most rare gems you can find… This story is published by Newsner with permission from Eliza Bahneman. “‘We’re … Read more