’m one of the biggest ever slot machine winners – it wasn’t easy to hit the jackpot but He improved his odds with a trick

A LUCKY gambler scooped one of the biggest ever slot machine wins after playing with just one cent. Roberto Arcueno, who is a frequent player, won a $1.5million prize at a Lincoln, California casino on August 5. Had Arcueno only played the game once, he would’ve defied odds of around 150million to one, but it’s likely that … Read more

Rose Hanbury breaks silence to answer allegations over Prince William affair

Oh, what a time to be a royal enthusiast. There have been an untold number of well-publicized royal scandals over the years, many points in history where the ongoings of the British monarchy have dominated newspaper headlines and whipped the general public into a frenzy. The current state of affairs must surely rank among the … Read more